1. Know consumers and scope the opportunity We understand what consumers value, what they need and what they expect – now, and in the future.
2. Guide product design Optimal product design requires an understanding of the complete consumer product experience, while defining formulation rules and identifying features that bring the most benefits.
3. Demonstrate superiority Our insights help prove product superiority and benefits perceived by consumers, and support our customers in positioning and communicating these benefits.
Trend & Foresight Intelligence Through PANOPTIC, IFF’s proprietary Trend & Foresight tool, we organize and track the most impactful people-centric shifts and dynamics shaping the short-, mid- and long-term future of the industries we work in. Through a shared understanding of the most influential trends impacting the world today and tomorrow, we can confidently and creatively identify the opportunities that lie ahead.
Consumer Understanding To create superior products and experiences people love, we must understand consumer typologies, needs, occasions, aspirations, tastes and preferences. IFF’s breadth and depth in decoding consumer typologies, moments and future vision—together within our trend and foresight framework—provides clear direction for innovation and identifies new opportunities for growth.
Product Experience We understand that product experience is the perception consumers have of a product based on their engagement with it. We optimize that consumer product experience by providing insightful intelligence to guide product design, development and formulation, driving value creation for our customers better and faster than anyone else in the industry.