Our Subsidiaries

Legacy Nutrition & Biosciences Subsidiaries

On December 15, 2019, DuPont de Nemours, Inc. (“DuPont”) and International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (“IFF”) announced a definitive agreement for DuPont’s Nutrition & Biosciences (“N&B”) business to combine with IFF (“Merger”). The Merger closed on February 1, 2021. As part of the Merger, several subsidiary legal entities associated with the N&B business were transferred to IFF, including the entities listed below.

As of November 4, 2023, IFF has transitioned away from using the DuPont name and logo. Throughout this page, you will find subsidiary legal entities that formerly contained the DuPont name, indicated by the f/k/a designation. Additional information on recent subsidiary legal entity name and logo changes can be found at the bottom of this page.

Subsidiary Legal Entity Jurisdiction
Danisco (China) Co. Ltd. China
Danisco (China) Holding Company Limited China
Danisco (India) Private Limited India
Danisco (Zhangjiagang) Textural Ingredients Co. Ltd. China
Danisco Argentina S.A. Argentina
Danisco Australia Pty Limited Australia
Danisco Austria GmbH Austria
Danisco Biosciences (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China
Danisco Brasil Ltda. Brazil
Danisco Canada Inc. Canada
Danisco Chile S.A. Chile
Danisco Colombia Ltda. Colombia
Danisco Cultor (Switzerland) AG Switzerland
Danisco Cultor Sweden AB Sweden
Danisco Czech Republic, a.s.* Czech Republic
Danisco Deutschland GmbH Germany
Danisco Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey
Danisco Egypt Trading LLC Egypt
Danisco France SAS France
Danisco Health Foods (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
(f/k/a** DuPont Nutrition Food Ingredients (Beijing) Co., Ltd.)
Danisco Holding USA Inc. US
Danisco Holdings (UK) Ltd. United Kingdom
Danisco Holland B.V. Netherlands
Danisco Ingredients Belgium N.V. Belgium
Danisco Italy S.p.A. Italy
Danisco Japan Limited Japan
Danisco Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia
Danisco Mexicana S.A. de C.V. Mexico
Danisco New Zealand Limited New Zealand
Danisco Nutrition & Bioscience Greece Ltd Greece
Danisco Nutrition & Biosciences Korea Ltd. Korea
Danisco Nutrition and Biosciences India Private Limited India
Danisco Peru S.A.C. Peru
Danisco Poland Sp. z.o.o Poland
Danisco Shineway Luohe Food Company Limited
(f/k/a DuPont Shineway Luohe Food Company Limited)
Danisco Shineway Luohe Soy Industry Company Limited
(f/k/a DuPont Shineway Luohe Protein Company Limited)
Danisco Singapore Pte. Ltd. Singapore
Danisco South Africa (Pty) Ltd. South Africa
Danisco Sweeteners Oy Finland
Danisco Switzerland AG Switzerland
Danisco UK Ltd. United Kingdom
Danisco Ukraine LLC Ukraine
Danisco US Inc. US
Danisco USA Inc. US
Danisco Zaandam B.V. Netherlands
DSP Germany N&B Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Finnfeeds Finland Oy Finland
Finnfeeds Oy Finland
Genencor (China) Bio-Products Co., Ltd. China
Genencor International B.V. Netherlands
Genencor International BV Belgium
Genencor International Oy Finland
Genencor International Wisconsin, Inc. US
IFF Acquisition, LLC
(f/k/a DuPont Acquisition, LLC)
IFF Electronics Holding, LLC
(f/k/a DuPont Electronics Holding, LLC)
IFF Lanka (Private) Limited
(f/k/a DuPont Lanka (Private) Limited)
Sri Lanka
IFF N&H Germany GmbH & Co. KG
(f/k/a DDP Specialty Products Germany GmbH & Co. KG)
IFF N&H Ireland HC Limited
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Manufacturing Limited)
IFF N&H Mexicana S.A. de C.V.
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Mexicana S.A. de C.V.)
IFF N&H Norway AS
(f/k/a Dupont Nutrition Norge AS)
IFF Nutrition and Biosciences Iberica, S.L
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences Iberica S.L.)
IFF Nutrition Mexico S.A. de. C.V.
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Mexico S.A. de. C.V.)
IFF Nutrition Nigeria Limited
(f/k/a Du Pont de Nemours Nigeria Limited)
IFF Nutrition Philippines Inc.
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Philippines Inc.)
IFF Protein Technologies International Sales, LLC
(f/k/a DuPont Protein Technologies International Sales, LLC)
IFF Protein Technologies International Sales, LLC(Branch Office)

(f/k/a DuPont Protein Technologies International Sales, LLC)

South Africa
IFF S&C Holding, LLC
(f/k/a DuPont S&C Holding, LLC)
IFF US Holding, LLC
(f/k/a DuPont US Holding, LLC)
International N&H (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
(f/k/a Dupont Nutrition (Thailand) Co., Ltd.)
International N&H Denmark ApS
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS)
International N&H Kenya Limited
(f/k/a DuPont de Nemours Kenya Limited)
International N&H Manufacturing UK Limited
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Manufacturing UK Limited)
United Kingdom
International N&H Mfg. Ireland
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Ireland)
International N&H USA, Inc
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition USA, Inc.)
International NH Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi
(f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi)
Kelp Industries Pty. Ltd. Australia
N&B Produktions- und Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany
N&B Services B.V. Netherlands
N&H LA Holding B.V.
(f/k/a DuPont LA Holding I B.V.)
Nutrition & Bioscience (Luxembourg) S.à r.l Luxembourg
Nutrition & Bioscience (Switzerland) GmbH Switzerland
Nutrition & Bioscience (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand
Nutrition & Bioscience Pakistan (Private) Limited Pakistan
Nutrition & Biosciences (France) SAS France
Nutrition & Biosciences (Sweden) AB Sweden
Nutrition & Biosciences Australia Pty Ltd Australia
Nutrition & Biosciences Brasil Ingredientes Ltda Brazil
Nutrition & Biosciences Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong
Nutrition & Biosciences Hungary Kft. Hungary
Nutrition & Biosciences Italy S.r.l. Italy
Nutrition & Biosciences Japan K.K. Japan
Nutrition & Biosciences Netherlands B.V. Netherlands
Nutrition & Biosciences Netherlands B.V., Saudi Branch Saudia Arabia
Nutrition & Biosciences New Zealand Limited New Zealand
Nutrition & Biosciences USA 1, LLC US
Nutrition & Biosciences USA 3, LLC US
Nutrition & Biosciences USA 4, Inc. US
Nutrition & Biosciences Vietnam Company Limited Vietnam
Pointer Specialty Chemicals, LLC US
Solae (UK) Limited United Kingdom
Solae Argentina S.A. Argentina
Solae Australia Pty Limited Australia
Solae Belgium N.V. Belgium
Solae Company India Private Limited India
Solae de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mexico
Solae Denmark ApS Denmark
Solae Deutschland GmbH Germany
Solae Do Brasil Industria E Comercio De Alimentos Ltda. Brazil
Solae Europe S.A. Switzerland
Solae Investimentos Ltda. Brazil
Solae Overseas, B.V. Netherlands
Solae Trading (Shanghai) Company Ltd. China
Solae, LLC US
Specialty Products Balkans d.o.o. Croatia
Specialty Products US, LLC US
ZAO Danisco Russia

*f/k/a – Formerly known as

IFF Subsidiaries Impacted by DuPont name and logo changes:

On November 4, 2023, the names of the IFF subsidiary legal entities listed below were officially changed, and IFF-owned systems and system-generated documents were updated accordingly. We kindly request that any sales orders and invoices issued to these impacted entities reflect their new subsidiary legal entity names.

While we deplete existing inventory and finish implementing manual changes, packaging materials and manually generated documents may display both the DuPont and IFF subsidiary legal entity names and logos. We hereby confirm that all DuPont and IFF subsidiary legal entity names and logos are valid and can be accepted as usual.

Please note that the name changes were only executed for existing subsidiary legal entities, and no new legal entities were created. Furthermore, all identifying characteristics including bank account number, taxpayer identification, and address remained unchanged‡.

If you have any questions, concerns, or challenges that we should know about, please reach out to your account representative as soon as possible.

Legal Entities With Name and/or Logo Changes

Impacted business(es)
Jurisdiction Former Legal Entity Name Current Legal Entity Name Manufacturing Health & Bioscience Nourish Pharma Solutions
China DuPont Nutrition Food Ingredients (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Danisco Health Foods (Beijing) Co., Ltd. x x
Denmark DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS International N&H Denmark ApS x x x x
Germany DDP Specialty Products Germany GmbH & Co. KG IFF N&H Germany GmbH & Co. KG x x x
Ireland DuPont Nutrition Ireland International N&H Mfg. Ireland x x x
Mexico DuPont Nutrition Mexicana S.A. de C.V. IFF N&H Mexicana S.A. de C.V. x x
Norway Dupont Nutrition Norge AS IFF N&H Norway AS x x x
Philippines DuPont Nutrition Philippines Inc. IFF Nutrition Philippines Inc. x
Spain DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences Iberica S.L. IFF Nutrition and Biosciences Iberica, S.L. x x x x
Thailand DuPont Nutrition (Thailand) Co., Ltd. International N&H (Thailand) Co., Ltd. x x
Thailand DuPont Nutrition (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (branch) International N&H (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (branch) x x x
United Kingdom DuPont Nutrition Manufacturing UK Limited International N&H Manufacturing UK Limited x x x
United States DuPont Nutrition USA, Inc. International N&H USA, Inc. x x x


‡Updates unrelated to the name and logo changes have been made to corporate office addresses and bank accounts for certain subsidiary legal entities. IFF N&H Norway AS (f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Norge) and International N&H Kenya Limited (f/k/a DuPont de Nemours Kenya Limited) are now registered in Vormedal and Nairobi, respectively. Additionally, bank account information for IFF N&H Germany GmbH & Co. KG (f/k/a DDP Specialty Products Germany GmbH & Co. KG) has been updated. Customers impacted by this change have been directly contacted.

*“Logo change” refers to the removal of DuPont logo or other references to a DuPont name on labels, packaging, documents, or other collateral. Logos and other references to IFF-owned brands (e.g., Solae, Danisco, Genencor) have not changed.

Legal Entities with Logo Changes Only

Impacted business(es)
Jurisdiction Current Legal Entity Name Manufacturing Health & Bioscience Nourish Pharma Solutions
Argentina Danisco Argentina S.A. x x x x
Argentina Solae Argentina S.A. x
Australia Danisco Australia Pty Limited x x x
Australia Kelp Industries Pty. Ltd. x x x
Australia Nutrition & Biosciences Australia Pty Ltd x x x
Austria Danisco Austria GmbH x x
Belgium Danisco Ingredients Belgium N.V. x x x
Belgium Genencor International BV x x
Belgium Solae Belgium N.V. x x
Brazil Danisco Brasil Ltda. x x x
Brazil Nutrition & Biosciences Brasil Ingredientes Ltda x x x
Brazil Solae Do Brasil Industria E Comercio De Alimentos Ltda. x x
Canada Danisco Canada Inc. x x x x
Chile Danisco Chile S.A. x x x
China Danisco (China) Co. Ltd. x x x
China Danisco Biosciences (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. x x x x
China Genencor (China) Bio-Products Co., Ltd. x x
Colombia Danisco Colombia Ltda. x x x x
Czech Republic Danisco Czech Republic, a.s. x x x x
Egypt Danisco Egypt Trading LLC x x
Finland Danisco Sweeteners Oy x x x
Finland Finnfeeds Finland Oy x x
Finland Finnfeeds Oy x x x x
Finland Genencor International Oy x x
France Danisco France SAS x x x x
Germany Danisco Deutschland GmbH x x x x
Hong Kong Nutrition & Biosciences Hong Kong Limited x x x
India Danisco (India) Private Limited x x x
India Danisco Nutrition and Biosciences India Private Limited x x
Italy Danisco Italy S.p.A. x x x
Italy Nutrition & Biosciences Italy S.r.l. x x
Japan Danisco Japan Limited x x x x
Japan Nutrition & Biosciences Japan K.K. x x x
Korea Danisco Nutrition & Biosciences Korea Ltd. x x
Malaysia Danisco Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. x x x
Mexico Danisco Mexicana S.A. de C.V. x x x x
Mexico Solae de Mexico S.A. de C.V. x
Netherlands Danisco Holland B.V. x x
Netherlands Genencor International B.V. x x x
Netherlands Danisco Zaandam B.V. x x
Netherlands Nutrition & Biosciences Netherlands B.V. x x
New Zealand Danisco New Zealand Limited x x x
New Zealand Nutrition & Biosciences New Zealand Limited x x x
Peru Danisco Peru S.A.C. x x x
Poland Danisco Poland Sp. z.o.o x x
Russia ZAO Danisco x x
Singapore Danisco Singapore Pte. Ltd. x x x x
South Africa Danisco South Africa (Pty) Ltd. x x x
Sweden Nutrition & Biosciences (Sweden) AB x x
Switzerland Danisco Cultor (Switzerland) AG x x x
Switzerland Danisco Switzerland AG x x x x
Switzerland Nutrition & Bioscience (Switzerland) GmbH x
Switzerland Solae Europe S.A. x x x
Thailand Nutrition & Bioscience (Thailand) Co., Ltd. x x x
Turkey Danisco Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi x x x
Ukraine Danisco Ukraine LLC x x
United Kingdom Danisco UK Ltd. x x x
United States Danisco US Inc. x x x
United States Danisco USA Inc. x x x x
United States Nutrition & Biosciences USA 1, LLC x x
United States Solae, LLC x x
United States Specialty Products US, LLC x x


‡Updates unrelated to the name and logo changes have been made to corporate office addresses and bank accounts for certain subsidiary legal entities. IFF N&H Norway AS (f/k/a DuPont Nutrition Norge) and International N&H Kenya Limited (f/k/a DuPont de Nemours Kenya Limited) are now registered in Vormedal and Nairobi, respectively. Additionally, bank account information for IFF N&H Germany GmbH & Co. KG (f/k/a DDP Specialty Products Germany GmbH & Co. KG) has been updated. Customers impacted by this change have been directly contacted.

*“Logo change” refers to the removal of DuPont logo or other references to a DuPont name on labels, packaging, documents, or other collateral. Logos and other references to IFF-owned brands (e.g., Solae, Danisco, Genencor) have not changed.