Find Out How IFF Reimagines Food Waste

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that 30% of food raised or prepared is wasted globally, contributing to approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

We are re-imagining how we address the challenge of waste through upcycling – a zero-waste philosophy dedicated to creatively using byproducts from typically discarded side streams, unlocking their highest value and improving the way we use resources. Across our business, we are reassessing applications for side-stream materials from manufacturing processes, conducting food waste-reduction pilot projects, commercializing new upcycled ingredients and further developing our pipeline of potential new opportunities.

LMR Naturals by IFF: Tumeric Root & Leaf India


PeelPioneers washes and treats discarded fresh orange peels to obtain a high-quality oil-in-water emulsion via cold extraction. IFF uses the essential oil to create signature taste designs, including natural orange flavorings and extracts. Utilizing circular design principles in this way saves resources and helps us respond to our customer expectations for sustainable ingredients that support the circular economy.

peel pioneers

Waste Streams for Upcycling Solutions Include:

  • Imperfect produce from farms, such as oranges and watermelons
  • Overproduction of produce from farms, such as spinach
  • Harvest byproducts, such as cacao pulp, cacao juice and cascara
  • Side streams from processing facilities, such as wastewater from the blanching of mushrooms prior to canning
  • Pomace (the pulp and residue remaining after produce has been crushed for juice extraction), such as that of blueberries or cranberries