Milling Transforming raw materials into flour, milling is the first and most fundamental stage of the bakery process. Key Challenges: Consistency Protein content Cost effectiveness
Industrial Bread This is the largest category in baking spanning sliced bread, buns, toast, tortillas and flatbread. Key Challenges: Improving efficiency Simplifying processes Reducing waste Softness and moisture *Label-friendly may have different meanings, in bakery it is most commonly associated with the elimination or reduction of E-numbers and chemical additives
Cakes & Biscuits Artisanal or mass-produced, this category innovates with diverse pastries, biscuits, and crackers. Key challenges: Improving efficiency Simplifying processes Reducing waste Softness and moisture
Bread Improvers Bread Improvers develop pre-mixes for baked goods, supplying both industrial and artisanal bakers. Key challenges: Selecting the right ingredients Dough strength Shelf-life targets