Supply Chain Sustainability: Our Targets

We continuously strengthen our sustainable procurement decisions, drive improvements in the farming communities where we source, and respect the human rights of workers in our supply chain.


Raw materials

Raw Materials

Promote regenerative ecosystems and achieve zero deforestation for strategic raw material supply chains, beginning with palm and soy.

Community & biodiversity

Community & Biodiversity

Ensure prosperous and equitable value chains and implement 10 field initiatives linked to supporting farmers’ livelihoods.

Human rights

Human Rights

Support animal welfare and launch a human rights program for our business-critical suppliers.

Our Performance

Certifying Palm Oil

  • 60%
    RSPO certified volumes of palm oil in 2023, a designation affirming that the supply chain does not contribute to deforestation, peat clearance or human rights abuses
Certifying palm oil
Our Performance

Strengthening Soy Traceability

  • 100%
    traceability of soy to the municipality level confirmed in Brazil in 2023.
Strengthening Soy Traceability
Our Performance

Supporting Farmers in our Supply Chain

  • 11,500
    beneficiaries in seven countries reached through our community and biodiversity programs in 2023
Supporting Farmers in our Supply Chain_P1144156
Our Performance

Advancing Human Rights Due Diligence

  • 9
    strategic supply chains in six countries where human rights impact assessments were completed in 2023
Advancing Human Rights Due Diligence photo

Supporting our Communities

Through our community and biodiversity programs, we seek to raise awareness of critical sustainable development issues. We help suppliers adopt the best practices and risk mitigation measures that will help them sustainably increase their yields and incomes while strengthening their ESG performance.


Madagascar HRIA

In 2023, we completed an in-person Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) in Madagascar for our vanilla supply chain, through which we engaged with farmers, collectors, workers, community members and other partner organizations to identify risks and mitigation actions as needed.

Following the meetings, we developed action plans, which we are now monitoring and implementing in 2024.

Guar gum

India Guar Gum

We concluded a three-year education and awareness-building project in 2023 that has enhanced the resiliency of smallholder farmers, particularly women, in our guar gum supply chain in India.

Since 2023, 800+ farmers have been trained in agroecology, including crop rotation and tree planting for soil health. Trainings have helped to address the challenges of erratic rainfall and volatility of the guar market.

Sungai Linau Landscape Conservation and Livelihoods Programme

Indonesia SLP

Through our support of the Sungai Linau Landscape Conservation and Livelihoods Programme (SLP) in Indonesia, more than 450 local smallholders have received Best Management Practices and financial literacy training to prevent peat forest conversion to palm by increasing productivity. IFF’s investments, alongside that of other companies, has helped protect +5K hectares of peat forest since 2021.

Photo credit: Proforest 

Norwegian Marine Restoration project

NoMaRe Seaweed

IFF is one of the largest global buyers and harvesters of red and brown seaweed for hydrocolloids.

Through the Norwegian Marine Restoration (NoMaRe) project, we are restoring 5K square kilometers of barren seabed into vibrant kelp forests by managing invasive sea urchins– an effort that is also expected to increase carbon sequestration by 12 million tons.

Supplier Diversity

About the Program

About the Program

As outlined in our Vendor Code of Conduct, we promote diversity, equity and inclusion across our supply chain and expect our vendors to do the same.

Through our Supplier Diversity Program, we extend our activities to achieve internal objectives that help identify, develop and utilize diverse businesses, thereby promoting a more inclusive professional community for all.

About the program