Climate Strategy: Our Targets

In alignment with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), IFF is committed to reaching net-zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions across our operations by 2040.



By 2030

Reduce absolute direct and indirect GHG emissions by 50% for Scope 1 and 2, and by 30% for Scope 3. Procure 100% of our electricity from renewable sources.


By 2040

Achieve net zero GHG emissions for Scope 1 and 2, and a 70% reduction in Scope 3.


By 2050

Be net positive across our entire value chain, covering Scopes 1, 2 and 3 (upstream).

Our Performance

Reducing GHGs under our Operational Control

  • 21%
    reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions below 2021 levels in 2023
PG 59 – Solar panels and windmills
Our Performance

Avoiding Indirect GHGs in our Value Chain

  • 26%
    reduction of Scope 3 emissions below 2021 levels in 2023
Avoiding Indirect GHGs in our Value Chain_AdobeStock_204069397
Our Performance

Prioritizing Renewable Energy

  • 29%
    of total electricity needs covered by renewable sources, or +405K MWh in 2023
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Catalyzing Climate Action

IFF employees supply the passion and innovation to activate our environmental sustainability ambitions at the facility level. We have Green Teams at each of our manufacturing facilities, as well as many offices, creative centers and application laboratories around the world.

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Efficiency in Spain

In 2023, IFF’s Valencia, Spain site performed a study on their heat exchanger to see how they could reduce their energy consumption. Realizing that they could reduce their steam usage, they installed a new modulating valve to achieve efficient steam dosing based on temperature setpoint on the dryer.

The facility was able to greatly reduce their energy usage and decrease their emissions profile.

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South Africa Solar

IFF’s Green Team in Isando, South Africa installed a solar photovoltaic panel array in 2022 in collaboration with a third-party contractor for a 14-year term.

As of 2025, the system is already showing a higher output than expected for this stage of the project, indicating that it is not only helping IFF to achieve our renewable electricity goals, but also reducing stress on the local energy grid.

Hazlet Ariel

U.S. Lighting Upgrades

Thanks to the local Green Team, our Hazlet, NJ, USA facility is not only supported by a massive solar array, but they have also leveraged IFF’s sustainability and energy capital expenditure program to invest in the switch to LED lighting and the installation of variable frequency drives, which are helping to achieve optimal efficiency within their operational processes.

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RE100 Membership

IFF is committed to procuring 100% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030. This includes onsite and offsite PPAs, vPPAs and green supply contracts. We are also a member of RE100, a consortium of businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity.

We continue to expand renewable electricity usage across our portfolio.