Our Sustainability strategy – the Do More Good Plan – is a fundamental component of our success as a company. It is a pledge to our customers, stakeholders and to each other that we’re always striving to exceed expectations and fulfill our purpose to do more good for people and planet.

Our strategy also directly supports and enhances IFF’s four operational pillars: Customer Focus, Innovation Powerhouse, Operational Excellence and People. Keep exploring below to learn more.

IFF Visual Framework 2024

Innovation & Sustainable Product Solutions


Our Approach

Being an “Innovation Powerhouse” is one of IFF’s key operational pillars, through which we are bringing sustainable new products and applications to market that our customers value.

Together, we are leveraging sustainability to meet and exceed stakeholder expectations while helping our customers to achieve their own goals.

Taste & Food Ingredients

Taste & Food Ingredients

Together, we are re-imagining new solutions to food waste, which traditionally gets sent to landfills, where it decomposes and emits methane, one of the biggest contributors to climate change.

Through our RE-IMAGINE WASTE™ Innovation Program, we offer three solutions:

  1. UPCYCLING: Valorizing waste by upcycling side streams and applying upcycled ingredients
  2. SHELF LIFE: Preventing food waste at distribution, storage and consumption via food protection
  3. RESOURCE OPTIMIZATION: Minimizing waste by optimizing resources during production


Health & Biosciences

Health & Biosciences

Designed Enzymatic Biomaterials (DEB) technology uses sugar, water and enzymes to create biobased polysaccharides with a quality typically only found in petrochemical polymers.

Through DEB, we are revolutionizing the sustainability of diverse materials:

  • AURIST™ AGC replaces synthetic polymers for hair and skin conditioning.
  • Lyrature™ sustainably targets the creation of biodegradable detergents and cleansers.
  • Nuvolve® replaces fossil-derived products for industrial applications.




IFF strives to reduce the environmental impact of our fragrance ingredients across our portfolio. For example, LMR Naturals by IFF is focused on fostering a positive footprint, including:

  1. Upcycled Neroli Essential combines neroli oil with scented molecules recovered from discarded orange flower water.
  2. LMR Renewable Extracts Collection is composed renewable absolutes obtained with 100% bio-sourced and biodegradable solvents.
  3. For Life-certified natural innovation platform in Serbia enhances livelihoods while supporting regenerative agriculture and biodiversity.


Our Sustainability Commitments

To support our commitment to Operational Excellence, we strive for continuous improvement in reducing our environmental footprint and sourcing ingredients responsibly. Learn more about our three areas of focus.

GHG & Energy Footprint

GHGs & Energy Footprint

Our efforts to advance climate action begin with minimizing our own environmental footprint, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and progressing toward net-zero carbon targets.

Together, we are taking science-based actions that drive greater efficiencies and collaboration.


Water & Waste

Each step we take, through effective water stewardship and waste minimization by leveraging best practices, opens greater opportunities to strengthen our business. Together, we are Doing More Good for our customers and our planet.

Responsible Sourcing & Human Rights

Responsible Sourcing & Human Rights

Through our Responsible Sourcing program, we seek to ensure ethical practices throughout our supply chain while reducing environmental impact, supporting workers and grower communities, and strengthening our human rights due diligence processes.

Our People

We are focused on People as one of our core operational pillars – supporting engaged and empowered employees, collaborating to drive success.

  • 38%
    women in executive, upper and middle management roles, companywide, with a goal to reach 50 % by 2030.
IFF people

Select Awards & Recognitions

We have worked hard to develop effective management approaches and accompanying metrics for our most important Sustainability topics, which has resulted in significant, broad-based improvements since we began our program ten years ago.

DJSI Emblem

Qualified as a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), North America, for the fifth consecutive year


Awarded the 2024 EcoVadis Platinum sustainability rating for the fourth time (based on 2023 information), placing IFF among the top 1% of companies assessed


Named to CDP’s Supplier Engagement Leaderboard for the fourth consecutive year for taking action to reduce climate risk, based on 2023 CDP disclosures


Named the top American company and 10th globally by Equileap, a leader in providing data and insights on gender equality in the corporate sector


Maintained certification as EDGE Move level in 27 countries in recognition of our commitment to gender equality


Included for the second consecutive time in the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (based on 2022 data), for transparency in gender-related data reporting


Named among the 2023 Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion by Disability:IN for the fourth consecutive year after scoring 100% on the Disability Equality Index

Latest Sustainability Stories

The Power of Upcycling: GENENCARE® OSMS BA, osmolyte for skin and haircare

Enabling more sustainable animal production with nutribiosis

Overcoming increased raw material costs and supply chain challenges

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