UPCYCLED CERTIFIED™ VERIFICATION IFF has been an associate member of the Upcycled Food Association (UFA) since 2019, with more than 30 ingredients verified by UFA’s Upcycled Certified™ Program, the world’s first third-party certification for upcycled food ingredients. The Upcycled Certified™ mark recognizes ingredients and products produced from surplus food and byproducts using verifiable supply chains with a positive environmental impact.
THE LMR UPCYCLING COLLECTION As part of our commitment to circular design, LMR Naturals by IFF developed the Upcycling Collection to expand our scent and flavor portfolio by giving new life to byproducts like seeds, pulp, and processing side streams. The collection includes ingredients such as Rose Essential, and Upcycled Certified™ ingredients like Beeswax Absolute, Cocoa Shell Extract, and Oakwood CO2.
Citrus Flavors Through our global innovation program RE-MASTER CITRUS™ we make natural citrus taste designs more sustainable by adding non-citrus-derived alternatives and by utilizing upcycled products and circular design principles. We believe circular design is the future of sustainability, so we developed our Upcycled Certified™ Orange product line to change the industry through tangible impact in collaboration with supply partner, PeelPioneers. PeelPioneers washes and treats discarded fresh orange peels to obtain a high-quality oil-in-water emulsion via cold extraction. IFF uses the essential oil to create signature taste designs, including natural orange flavorings and extracts. Utilizing circular design principles in this way saves resources and helps us respond to customer expectations for sustainable food ingredients that support the circular economy.