Water & Waste: Our Targets

IFF is committed to championing water stewardship by 2030, verifying zero waste to landfill (ZWL) for all our major manufacturing facilities and minimizing single-use plastics.


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Water Stewardship

Championing water stewardship

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Verify zero waste to landfill for all major manufacturing facilities

Finding Alternatives to Plastic


Minimize single-use plastics

Our Performance

Reducing Water Withdrawal

  • +19
    megaliters per year saved since 2021 from the completion of multiple efficiency projects
Reducing Water Withdrawal
Our Performance

Eliminating the Concept of Waste

  • 51%
    of our major manufacturing facilities have been verified as ZWL since 2017
Eliminating the Concept of Waste
Our Performance

Finding Alternatives to Plastic

  • ~1M+
    units of single-use plastic eliminated from our labs in 2023, including bags, tasting cups and bottles
Finding Alternatives to Plastic

Driving Waste & Water Efficiencies

IFF employees supply the passion and innovation to activate our environmental sustainability ambitions at the facility level. We have Green Teams at each of our manufacturing facilities, as well as many offices, creative centers and application laboratories around the world.

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U.S. Waste Reduction

Our Remington, Indiana, U.S. site has found ways to limit the amount of waste generated during their manufacturing processes and to repurpose waste that is impossible to eliminate from production. The Team has reduced their waste by 32 metric tons annually by diverting from landfill a significant portion of byproducts from food manufacturing and selling it as animal feed to a nearby farm.

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Tilburg Waste Diversion

Since 2020, our Green Team at our Tilburg, Netherlands site has been re-imagining the concept of waste. Rather than sending plastic drums used during production to an incineration plant, they have executed a plastic drum recycling program that diverts waste from incineration. The program includes a drum cleaner and shredder to be able to return plastic back to the industry for re-use.

Philadelphia, PA, USA Green Team

U.S. Water Savings

Our Philadelphia, PA, U.S. Green Team recently installed an air scrubber to control water loss during non-business hours (when no production was occurring), saving ~706K gallons of water per year.

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Spain Nature Partnership

Outside of our own operations, IFF’s Green Teams also look for ways to give back to our communities. In 2023, the Teams in both our Murcia Nutrafur and Ingrenat, Spain facilities partnered with their local Nature Reserve to help preserve a degraded area of the Carrascoy y El Valle Regional Park.

They helped clean debris and plant native vegetaion to help ecologically restore the local area.