A woman eating a sandwich


The Power of Protein

Consumer demand for plant-based protein is at an all-time high.

At IFF, we understand that today’s consumers are seeking more sustainable, nutritious, and versatile food options, which is why we’re dedicated to offering an extensive range of plant-based proteins that deliver on taste, nutrition, and environmental responsibility.

  • 1 out of every 2
    nutrition bars sold around the globe contains IFF’s proteins
  • Close to 70%
    of consumers are interested/extremely interested in plant-proteins
Soy beans

What Our Proteins Provide

Delivering protein to consumers goes beyond just the basics, how it is delivered matters. Taste, texture, cost, and environmental impact are all essential factors that make a difference.

A young woman taking a rest from exercise

Nutrition and Health

As a leading supplier of high-quality soy protein ingredients, IFF has been at the forefront of advancing science that demonstrates the many benefits of plant-based, sustainable, and economic protein.

Hundreds of published studies on our SUPRO® Soy Proteins highlight their unique health benefits, including heart health, weight management, muscle health, and satiety.

A bowl of salad

Taste & Texture

Working with IFF grants you access to a diverse range of plant-based protein solutions with application-specific functionality, delivering the flavor and texture consumers crave.

A glass of energy drink

Cost Optimization

We utilize SUPRO® Soy Protein as an economical plant-based option to enrich yield in meat applications and serve as a versatile replacement for dairy proteins in beverages and bars.

Plants on the field


Leaning into plant-based proteins like soy and pea, as demonstrated by Life Cycle Assessments (LCA), offers a beneficial environmental impact with a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional animal-based proteins.

Soy beans

Product Quality

IFF’s comprehensive quality programs ensure the highest levels of consistency, quality, and safety performance, including a Farmer-to-Customer Identity Preserved (IP-Non-GM) program that safeguards product integrity from start to finish.

Unearth Soy’s Protein Boost

Our Proteins

Meat and vegetables

SUPRO® Soy Protein

SUPRO® Soy Protein is a versatile, high-quality protein packed with proven health benefits. Perfect for everything from beverages, nutrition bars and processed meat to plant-based meat and dairy alternatives, it brings the nourishment of protein to a wide range of applications.

Soy beans

TRUPRO® Pea Protein

Meet the demand for innovation with TRUPRO® Pea Protein, a naturally Non-GMO, plant-based protein that offers an unforgettable sensory experience across numerous applications.

Protein Applications



Health-conscious consumers often turn to beverages for protein supplementation. Our SUPRO® soy protein offers high-quality protein for plant-based beverages and is a cost-effective alternative to dairy protein with excellent flavor and functionality.

Our TRUPRO® Pea Protein delivers superior flavor and mouthfeel in powdered and ready-to-drink formats, dairy alternatives, and fruit smoothies.

A chocolate drink

Our Commitment to Sustainability & Quality


Responsible Sourcing

At IFF, we are committed to sustainably sourcing soy raw materials exclusively from deforestation- and conversion-free sources, ensuring responsible stewardship of our planet’s resources.



of IP Non-GM soybeans sourced from our Esteio, Brazil site are certified by ProTerra.


Life-Cycle Assessments (LCAs)

At IFF, we have conducted Life-Cycle Assessments on the soy and pea protein production chain, from seed to delivery to our customers, which demonstrates low carbon footprint and positive environmental impact.


7 to 70 times

lower carbon footprint from Soy Protein production compared to some traditional animal proteins.


Quality & IP Non-GM Programs

IFF has implemented comprehensive quality programs to ensure the highest levels of consistency, quality, and safety performance.

Additionally, our Farmer to Customer Identity Preserved (IP-Non-GM) program is designed to maintain product integrity throughout the supply chain.

Plant Power, Meaty Taste

Picture this: a tender beef bourguignon, a succulent chicken stir fry, or spicy pork fajitas—only 100% plant-based. With SUPRO® TEX, this delicious vision becomes a reality.

SUPRO® TEX represents a new frontier in plant-based protein, crafted to mirror the experience of eating meat. Made from soy protein, it’s not only a complete protein but also easy to work with and cost-effective. SUPRO® TEX brings us into a world where plant-based alternatives nourish our bodies, satisfy our taste buds, and deliver an exceptional eating experience.

Meat and vegetables

Meet Our Experts

At IFF, our commitment to rigorous quality control ensures that every batch of protein we produce meets the highest standards of excellence.

Julie Hall,
Global Product Line Manager, Protein Solutions
Read My Story

For over 6 decades, we have worked with top researchers around the globe to drive the science supporting our soy proteins…

Mark Cope,
Principal Designer, PhD Nutrition Science
Read My Story

Our extensive portfolio of proteins is meticulously designed to excel in every application, ensuring the highest functionality.

Ariel Beverly,
Design Team Leader, Beverages
Read My Story
Soy beans

Transform Ideas into Market-Ready Innovations

Bring your vision to life with IFF’s expertise in food and beverage innovation. Together, we can turn bold ideas into groundbreaking solutions.