

Sweetening Life with Health and Nature in Mind

IFF offers alternative sweetening solutions for food and beverages, helping meet consumers’ weight control and management goals and accommodating restrictive diets without compromising on taste.

*Sources: Holmbom, 2002 & Update to a previously peer-reviewed cradle-to-gate LCA. Updates were made for both IFF and alternative products.

  • Since 1974
    IFF is the first manufacturer of Industrial XYLITOL*
  • 82% Emission Reduction
    Compared to xylitol from corn cob, our XIVIA® XYLITOL from upcycled hard wood pulp generates 82% less greenhouse gas emission.*

Naturally Sweet & Sustainable

IFF helps secure and expand market share by building consumer loyalty and trust through innovative solutions that consistently deliver quality and meet evolving consumer needs.

Sustainability img

Functional Performance

Sweeten food and beverage products without compromising consumers’ weight management goals or restrictive diets, giving manufacturers and brand owners the ability to create in-demand products that strengthen their market position

Xylose is the only

sugar alcohol that has a sweetness intensity equivalent to sucrose.


Health & Sustainability

IFF Sweeteners offer additional health benefits with sustainability in mind, giving manufacturers and brand owners more opportunities to satisfy a broader range of consumers while expanding market reach and growing their consumer base.


With 2.4 kcal/g, Xylitol has 60% of the energy value of sucrose


Product/Supply Reliability

Produced in Europe and the USA, and backed by a global food science and sales network, IFF Sweeteners helps food manufacturers and brand owners create consistently high-quality, cost-effective products that support brand image and drive consumer loyalty.


Consumer Trust

IFF Sweeteners, sourced from nature through a transparent and responsible supply chain, meet manufacturers’ needs for transparency and traceability, building consumer trust in brands and helping secure or grow market share.

A Deeper Look at Sugar


Sugar Alcohols

XIVIA® Xylitol, produced from upcycled hardwood pulps, and OSMOAID™ Lactitol, derived from lactose, are IFF’s two sugar alcohols that offer natural sweetening properties.


Wood Sugars

FRUCTOFIN® Fructose, extracted from European beets, and D-Xylose, sourced from the first extraction steps of IFF’s upcycled hardwood pulps, provide sweetening solutions for a wide range of food and non-food applications.


Rare Sugars

IFF’s low-intensity sweeteners portfolio is rounded out with three rare sugars: D-Mannose, L-Arabinose, and L-Rhamnose.

Sweetener Applications



FRUCTOFIN® Fructose is up to 80% sweeter than sucrose, safe for diabetics, and has a high thermogenic effect, requiring more energy to metabolize than glucose, which helps curb hunger and supports lower calorie consumption.


Locally Sourced From Nature



XIVIA® Xylitol and D-XYLOSE are sourced from responsibly managed EU forests, certified by PEFC and/or FSC, ensuring sustainable forest stewardship. Additionally, 62% of the wood is transported by rail, further reducing environmental impact.

If 25% of xylitol

from corn cob-based used in chewing gum is replaced with our XIVIA® XYLITOL, greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by more than 210,000 tons CO2 e/year.  This is equivalent to planting more than 3.4 million trees.


Beet Sugar

FRUCTOFIN® Fructose is grown in the EU under the highest quality and social standards, including FSA for continuous on-farm sustainability improvement and EVIRA for ensuring food safety and animal welfare.

The beets benefit from short transport routes to processing sites, with high residual recycling of the entire beet.


IFF Kokta

IFF Kotka production site in Finland holds BRGCS certification and is certified to ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 standards.

In Kotka, 70%

of the energy used to manufacture our XIVIA® XYLITOL is renewed with a target to be at 100% by 2030.

Meet our Experts

Xylitol is a naturally occurring five-carbon polyol sweetener with specific, beneficial effects on oral health.

Krista Salli,
Senior Scientist, R&D Heath & Biosciences, Kantvik, Finland
Read my story

As part of our commitment to sustainability and innovation, our XIVIA® Xylitol is wood-based and manufactured with the circular economy concept with minimal use of chemicals & energy. 

Mari Kainiemi,
Plant Manager, Kotka, Finland
Read my story

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Bring your vision to life with IFF’s expertise in food and beverage innovation. Together, we can turn bold ideas into groundbreaking solutions.