Transform Your Digital Data into Real-world Results

XCELIS® AI is a digital platform designed to help your plant meet new goals by harnessing the power of big data and predictive modeling.


XCELIS® AI: Transforming Operations with Data Integration & Virtual Plant Tech

The XCELIS® AI Automated Data Integration tool provides the opportunity to utilize thousands of data points to drive advanced analytics for your current process. Far beyond the typical statistics calculated by spreadsheet, this type of analysis can help show new actionable insights to help the plant achieve greater efficiency of operation

XCELIS® AI Virtual Plant technology is your crystal ball into the future decisions for your plant. With predictive models based on proprietary IFF software technology, we can help show you how far your plant can go. Thinking of adding a new unit operations? Or changing your yeast or enzyme recipe? Let Virtual Plant technology show you the way to take the risk out of these changes before you spend the first dime!


Bringing Insights to Our Partners

XCELIS® AI is a platform through which we holistically work with our customers to de-risk decision making in the ethanol industry. It consists of three pillars of activity: advanced data analytics, modeling and training.

Griffin Ford, North America Technical Service Leader, Grain Processing shows us how XCELIS® AI enables holistic partnership, to de-risk decision making.

How we work holistically with our partners to de-risk decision making using XCELIS AI
case study

Is Hotter Liquefaction Better?

What are the energy and economic differences of running the front end (slurry and liquefaction) at two different temperatures: 185°F and 195°F?

In the 195°F case, the hotter liquefact increased the beer feed temperature. We took advantage of this by reducing the steam used to heat the beer feed (by reducing steam to the evaporators).

Conclusion: Hotter liquefaction requires more natural gas & mash cooler duty and reduces overall economics.¹

Comparison of energy and economic differences in liquefaction at 185°F and 195°F

¹ Assumptions: no change in starch solubilization, ethanol yield, and oil yield.

The information provided herein is based on data IFF believes, to the best of its knowledge, reliable and applies only to the specific material designated herein as sold by IFF. The information contained herein does not apply to use of the material designated herein in any process or in combination with any other material and is provided at the request of and without charge to our customers. Accordingly, IFF cannot guarantee or warrant such information and assumes no liability for its use. Other than as may be expressly set forth in a contract of sale, IFF makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the material set forth herein, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use.