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Ask the Experts – Emulsifiers vs. Enzymes: When to use Emulsifiers Enzymes or Both?

November 09, 2023

Bakery producers have a lot to manage. You’re expected to balance the demand for label-friendly* ingredients while making your creation affordable – all wrapped up in a great tasting mouthwatering product. So how do you accomplish this daunting task? – IFF is here to help. We work hand-in-hand with you to achieve your affordability goals while maintaining product freshness taste and texture. Our capabilities span a broad range of affordable premium solutions that include protein fiber fruits and even gluten-free ingredients. Additionally we can help reduce sugar salt and fat content all while creating flavors that help your product thrive in this competitive market.

Better Together:

We use our hands-on experience and cutting-edge ingredients to design recipes that match and surpass what consumers want. It can be confusing to know what ingredients are best for YOUR product. We start by discussing your goals and can point you in the right direction and what that will look like for your specific formulation. For instance for emulsification in baked goods we not only offer emulsifiers – we offer enzymes as well. Individually each of these solutions work well and have individual benefits. But together they are a powerhouse and can transform your baked goods from good to great. The combination of both enzymes and emulsifiers in a finished product can yield excellent results offering a range of benefits including enhanced dough stability bread volume texture and softness as well as ensuring consistent production.

Tailored blends with emulsifiers and enzymes deliver easy-to-handle dough with exceptional baking properties a softer fresher bread crumb that minimizes waste and an overall more resilient bread structure which reduces the risk of damage during handling. This combination isn’t just beneficial for you it benefits YOUR customers as well. With products staying fresher for longer and delivering more desirable eating experiences you will gain higher customer satisfaction and fewer returns.

Meeting Your Specific Goals:

“What if my customers are label conscious and are seeking a cleaner more transparent approach?” Emulsifiers and enzymes are powerful together but independently can work well especially to resolve product challenges and achieve specific goals. In this case enzymes could be a better solution for a label-friendly product. It just depends on what your specific goals are for your finished product. Enzymes are a great label-friendly choice while emulsifiers create that indulgent texture – even when butter or fat is reduced. In complex recipes with fruit or grain inclusions emulsifiers are the preferred choice for ensuring consistent dough stability.

Many modern bakers want to reduce vital gluten in bread formulations due to price and availability fluctuations. Enzymes offer a solution with the capacity to reduce added gluten by up to 100% depending on the formulation while maintaining product quality.

Proving the Perfect Partnership:

We will not just hand you an off-the-shelf solution we customize our offerings to match your unique requirements leveraging our end-to-end portfolio that extends far beyond emulsifiers and enzymes. Since we produce most of our ingredients and have rigorous quality control measures in place we’re extremely well equipped to understand how these ingredients interact in a formulation.

Are you ready to raise the game with IFF? Learn more here.

When are enzymes a better choice than emulsifiers, and vice versa?

*Label-friendly may have different meanings in bakery it is mostly common associated to the elimination or reduction of E-numbers and chemicals additives

Bakery, Enzymes