IFF is one of the largest global buyers and harvesters of red and brown seaweed for hydrocolloids (such as alginates and carrageenan), which are essential ingredients in many foods, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers and cosmetics. IFF supports marine conservation and the people who depend on oceans.

To produce best-in-class alginate and carrageenan products for our customers, we source and process both wet and dry seaweed from thousands of seaweed farmers in the Indo-Pacific, and from harvesters in Chile, Peru, Mexico, Canada, Morocco and Australia. We also harvest seaweed ourselves in Norway and Iceland.

Through our Seaweeds Responsible Sourcing Program (SRSP), we seek to support seaweed farmers and continuously improve the social and environmental criteria and performance of our seaweed cultivation and harvesting processes. Through the SRSP, and in partnership with the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, and other stakeholders, we strive to increase scientific knowledge and develop new research capacities to improve ocean health and better understand how seaweed can contribute to food security, climate change mitigation, poverty alleviation and support for marine ecosystems.

Seaweed forests are among the most important natural environments on the planet but face significant challenges. Seaweed forests in northern Norway have become the main food source and home to more than 300 invasive species of sea urchins, which gained a foothold following ecological disruptions from human activity beginning in the 1970s that removed many of the urchin larvae’s natural predators, allowing them to multiply in high numbers. This has caused ecological ripple effects on the biomass of native animals and plants, including limiting opportunities for seaweed harvesting.

In partnership with environmental non-governmental organization, Bellona, we began a new long-term project in 2023 to restore seaweed forests in northern Norway. The Norwegian Marine Restoration (NoMaRe) project aims to restore 5,000 square kilometers of urchin barrens and transform them into vibrant kelp forests by managing invasive sea urchin predation. The project also aims to raise awareness among political decision-makers and other key stakeholders about the importance of the local marine ecosystem as part of Norway’s green transition and climate change objectives. IFF is proud to provide financial support and expertise in seaweed management and restoration to this project over the next three years. The project will help fund the creation of a dedicated platform to promote effective, scientifically proven urchin removal schemes and supplementary restoration efforts. The regrowth of the kelp forests could increase biological carbon sequestration by 12 million tons — the equivalent of Norway’s total oil and gas industry emissions in 2021.

Learn more about the vast potential of seaweed to support people and planet.

Norwegian text:

Som en av de største globale innkjøperne og høsterne av tang og tare til alginater og karragenan støtter IFF bevaring av havet og de menneskene som er avhengige av havet.

For å kunne produsere de beste alginat- og karragenanproduktene til kundene våre, kjøper vi inn og bearbeider både våt og tørr tang og tare fra tusenvis av tangbønder i Indo-Stillehavet og fra innhøstere i Chile, Peru, Mexico, Canada, Marokko og Australia. Vi høster også tang selv i Norge og på Island.

Gjennom vårt Seaweeds Responsible Sourcing Program (SRSP) forsøker vi å støtte tangbøndene og kontinuerlig forbedre de sosiale og miljømessige kriteriene og resultatene i våre prosesser for dyrking og høsting av tang og tare. Gjennom SRSP, og i samarbeid med Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life ved New England Aquarium og andre interessenter, arbeider vi for å øke den vitenskapelige kunnskapen og utvikle ny forskningskapasitet for å forbedre havets helse og få en bedre forståelse av hvordan tang og tare kan bidra til matsikkerhet, redusere klimaendringene, redusere fattigdom og støtte marine økosystemer.

Finn ut mer om tang og tares enorme potensial for å hjelpe mennesker og planeten.

Carrageenan and Alginate


Innovation is at the heart of IFF’s purpose of applying science and creativity for a better world.

IFF is a signatory of the Seaweed Manifesto, a visionary industry statement that describes how seaweed can contribute to achieving the UN SDGs through food security, climate change mitigation, poverty alleviation and support for marine ecosystems.

Norwegian text:


Innovasjon er kjernen i IFFs formål om å bruke vitenskap og kreativitet for å skape en bedre verden.

IFF har undertegnet Seaweed Manifesto, en visjonær bransjeerklæring som beskriver hvordan tang og tare kan bidra til å nå FNs bærekraftsmål gjennom matsikkerhet, reduksjon av klimaendringer, fattigdomsbekjempelse og støtte til marine økosystemer.


Our operations in the Vormedal, Karmøy municipality, are subject to the major accident regulations, which are intended to ensure good and necessary communication to neighbors and the general public in the event of an accident.

Norwegian text:


Vår virksomhet i Vormedal, Karmøy kommune, er underlagt storulykkeforskriften, som skal sikre god og nødvendig kommunikasjon til naboer og allmennheten ved en eventuell ulykke.


In the Karmøy municipality outside Haugesund, we produce alginate from seaweed. The factory is a cornerstone company in the area. In addition, we have employees who work with seaweed harvesting along the coast. We’re investing heavily in upgrading and modernizing the factory, and it is highly automated. The production of alginate is a long and complicated process that requires a high level of technical expertise.

IFF N&H Norway AS
Steinhaugvegen 1 VORMEDAL, Norway
Tlf: 52 85 61 00

Norwegian text:

I Karmøy kommune utenfor Haugesund produserer vi alginat fra tang og tare. Fabrikken er en hjørnesteinsbedrift i området. I tillegg har vi ansatte som jobber med tarehøsting langs kysten. Vi investerer mye i å oppgradere og modernisere fabrikken, og den er svært automatisert. Produksjon av alginat er en lang og komplisert prosess som krever høy teknisk kompetanse.

IFF N&H Norge AS
Steinhaugveien 1, Vormedal, Norge
Tlf: 52 85 61 00

Nova Matrix is located west of Oslo, in Sandvika. Nova Matrix offers products for biomedical applications based on alginate and other biopolymers. This requires a high degree of expertise and broad collaboration with universities and other partners around the world. The department for product development and technology support for alginate is also located in Sandvika.

Nova Matrix
Industriveien 33 SANDVIKA,Norway
Tlf: 67 81 55 00

Norwegian text:

Nova Matrix holder til vest for Oslo, i Sandvika. Nova Matrix tilbyr produkter for biomedisinske anvendelser basert på alginat og andre biopolymerer. Dette krever høy kompetanse og et bredt samarbeid med universiteter og andre partnere over hele verden. Avdelingen for produktutvikling og teknologistøtte for alginat er også lokalisert i Sandvika.

Nova Matrix
Industriveien 33, Sandvika,Norge
Tlf: 67 81 55 00